The TTouch® has an effect similar to a key-lock principle, and activates the healthy cell copy in the cell nucleus, in the DNA, through its spiral.
The body regenerates all cells in 6-8 weeks. Here it is possible to reprogram yourself and change patterns. Focus on what we want and achieve relaxation, balance, trust.
• Acute injuries
• Resolve fears & traumas
• Find balance
• Minimize movement restrictions
• Promote relaxation
• Increase concentration
• Change patterns
• Alleviate pain
• Activate self-healing powers
• Minimize stress
• Release tension
• Promote well-being
The Tellington method is based on the fact that behaviour and the body are connected. The Tellington TTouch® not only works muscularly but also mentally, right down to the cellular level. This makes it possible to resolve tension patterns, traumas and fears and create relaxation, balance, trust and change.
The Tellington session takes place fully clothed in a comfortable position and clothing. Duration approx. 50 minutes. Cost € 100.00 (incl. 20% VAT)